Fall After School Programs for AMS, CMS, GMS
Roaring Fork Cycling will be offering after-school programming for all middle school-aged children at the following locations, Aspen Middle School, Carbondale Middle School, and Glenwood Middle School. For the 2023 season, this program will have a cost of $25! As always, RFC will work with families to provide needs-based scholarships. Please email Kristen Heath ay kristen.heath@roaringforkcycling.org if you are in need of a scholarship.
Schedule: Rides will be September 5th-October 12th, Tuesdays and Thursdays school dismissal -6:00 PM.
One extra week can be scheduled for makeup days due to the weather.
Aspen- Aspen Middle School
Carbondale- Ross Montessori
Glenwood Springs-Glenwood Springs Rec Center
Cost: $25.00 for the whole fall season!
Supplies Needed:
Mountain Bike with gears & Helmet (if need to borrow one please email Kristen at kristen.heath@roaringforkcycling.org)
Cold weather gear, rain coat
Extra Tube